GEOTECH marine crew begins seismic works in the Caspian Sea

On June 23, the seismic crew No. 52 based in Astrakhan began seismic works in the Uzhno-Shirotnaya NAL area. The 3D seismic works area is 517.9 km².

 Before setting the sail, all marine staff must have had a week self-quarantine and tests passed negative for COVID-19. During the quarantine, staff have received a labor protection and industrial safety training, as well as an advanced training for geophysicists.

 To improve the efficiency of air guns, in 2020 GEOTECH purchased three compressor installations from the Canadian company called NCA. This allowed us to stop using the rental equipment and significantly expanded the crew’s capabilities for carrying out works. In addition, a small-sized vessel – catamaran – will be used for the cable deployment and cable retrieval for the first time. Such modernization aims to upgrade the small-size fleet.

 For reference

 In 2019, GEOTEK won a tender for seismic exploration in ​​the Zhemchyzhnaya area, Uzhno-Shirotnaya area and Sklonovaya area within the Northern license area in the Caspian Sea.

In 2019, seismic crew No. 52 based in Astrakhan Operations Support Department completed seismic works in the Zhemchyzhnaya and Uzhno-Shirotnaya licensed areas as a part of the contract with Lukoil Nizhnevolzhskneft LLC, exceeding the seasonal plan by more than 40%.

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