Our business prosperity is dependent on our staff, their involvement in business processes, and their level of satisfaction.
Sustainable social and labor relations are based upon strict compliance with social and labor laws, the provisions of labor agreements and internal regulations.
We are guided by a solid foundation established upon the following principles when building relationships with our staff:
- Competitive pay and social benefits
- Strict compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to social and labor relations
- Safety at work
- Continuous improvement of the working environment, establishing health and safety issues as top-priority objectives
- Opportunities for the professional and cultural development of staff.
We implement different social programs to offer additional training opportunities to our staff, provide accident and medical insurance, and improve health and safety arrangements in the workplace. Thus, we fulfil our social responsibility commitments.
We use various motivational tools, such as the nomination of teams or employees for state, ministerial, sectorial or corporate awards. As a rule, such awards are announced on the eve of the Geologists' Day professional holiday. In addition, we provide support to our retired staff members.