
International Activities

JSC «GEOTEK» provides integrated solutions for geological exploration in international markets. Our extensive experience spans CIS countries, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, ensuring successful outcomes across diverse regions.

International activities

Field work

JSC «GEOTEC» provides a full range of field geological exploration work, including seismic exploration and data quality control.

We use innovative technologies to improve the productivity of field research:

2D/3D/4D seismic explorationon land and in the transit zone using various types of sources (vibration, explosive, pulse, pneumatic);

Field processing of data;

Data quality control;

High-performance technologies: Slip-Sweep, ISSD.

Office work

The company’s specialists provide a full range of processing and interpretation of well and seismic data.

We use advanced technologies for analysis and forecasting:

Time and deep processing of marine and land seismic data 2D/3D/4D;

Specialized processing: time and depth processing taking into account azimuthal and VTI, TTI anisotropy;

5D COMFI data regularization taking into account azimuthality, subtraction of multiple waves of any type;

Comprehensive seismic data interpretation;

Structural, stratigraphic and dynamic interpretation.

Data inversion, development zone forecast and reservoir analysis;

Creation of seismogeological models, resource assessment and reserve calculation;

International Geography

The company successfully implements projects in the CIS countries, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. We have extensive experience in international markets, providing reliable results for our clients.

Examples of field work:

Uzbekistan —5600 linear km, 2400 sq. km

Turkmenistan —640 sq. km.

Kazakhstan — 5000 linear km, 7700 sq. km.

Yemen —1400 linear km.

Mauritania —2300 linear km, 200 sq. km.

India —1500 linear km, 1500 sq. km.

Examples of office work:

Colombia — 165 linear km.

Saudi Arabia —1100 linear km.

Gulf of Mexico — 250 sq. km.

Kazakhstan — 490 linear km, 690 sq. km.

JSC GEOTEK is open to any forms of cooperation and interaction in international markets. Email for interaction —