Scientific and practical conference «GEOFEST», Moscow

«Seismic equipment and technologies in the context of current challenges of the geological exploration market in the Russian Federation», Fedorov A.B.

Participant from GEOTECH: Fedorov Andrey Borisovich, Poltavets Zhanna Vitalievna, Islamov Ildar Fanisovich

Today in Moscow the scientific and practical conference "GEOFEST" was held, bringing together experts and leaders of the geological exploration industry. Representatives of the company JSC "GEOTEK" - Andrey Borisovich Fedorov, Zhanna Vitalievna Poltavets and Ildar Fanisovich Islamov - spoke at the event with important initiatives.

The representative of GEOTECH presented the report "Seismic equipment and technologies in the context of current challenges of the geological exploration market in the Russian Federation". In his speech, he noted the key developments of the company aimed at ensuring high-precision research even in the context of the increasing complexity of market requirements. The use of advanced solutions allows JSC GEOTECH to maintain leadership and reliability in geological exploration, supporting sustainable development and innovative transformation of the industry in Russia.