Technological forum on the development of exploration geophysics «Gazpromneft-GEO», St. Petersburg

«New solutions of JSC GEOTECH: seismic equipment and technologies in the context of current challenges of the geological exploration market in the Russian Federation», Fedorov A.B.; Bekeshko P.S.

Participant from GEOTECH: Fedorov Andrey Borisovich, Poltavets Zhanna Vitalievna, Bekeshko Pavel Stanislavovich, Akhmadiyarov Vitaly Vladimirovich

The Gazpromneft-GEO Technology Forum on the Development of Exploration Geophysics has ended in St. Petersburg, where representatives of JSC GEOTECH — Andrey Borisovich Fedorov, Zhanna Vitalievna Poltavets, Pavel Stanislavovich Bekeshko and Vitaly Vladimirovich Akhmadiyarov — made key reports and proposals.

Fedorov and Bekeshko presented the report “New Solutions of JSC GEOTECH: Seismic Equipment and Technologies in the Context of Current Challenges of the Geological Exploration Market in the Russian Federation”, in which they covered in detail the company's innovative approaches to the development and use of seismic equipment adapted to the conditions of the Russian market. The presented solutions allow not only to increase the efficiency of geological exploration, but also to ensure sustainability in the conditions of economic restrictions. The report attracted the interest of the participants and became one of the central topics discussed at the forum, outlining the role of "GEOTEK" in the development of domestic geophysics.