GEOTECH took part in the International Forum «Oil and Gas»

Press Releases

GEOTEK JSC traditionally takes part in the International Oil and Gas Forum at the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University).

Every year, the conference brings together over 1,500 students, postgraduates and young specialists from Russian and foreign universities, who also have the opportunity to present their research papers. Expert committees are formed in thematic areas for the purpose of high-quality and objective selection of research papers submitted to the conference.

Employees of GEOTEK and its subsidiaries, in particular GeoPrime LLC, act as members of the expert committee in the Geology, Oil and Gas Field Prospecting and Geophysics sections. At the end of the conference, the authors of the best works in the thematic sections will be awarded special prizes from GEOTEK.

Thematic round tables, trainings, educational events, and intellectual tournaments are successfully held within the framework of the conference. In particular, the 78th International Youth Scientific Conference "Oil and Gas - 2024", the XVII All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "Actual Problems of Development of the Oil and Gas Complex of Russia", the VIII Competition "The Best Student Scientific Society of the Oil and Gas Industry of Russia" and the III International Programming Championship "Digital Oil" are being held.