GEOTECH to perform 3D seismic exploration work in the Caspian Sea

Press Releases

JSC GEOTECH signed a contract for 3D seismic exploration work in license areas in the Caspian Sea in 2024-2026. The total volume of 3D seismic exploration work planned for 2024 will be more than 450 km2.

The study area is located in a depth zone of up to 40 m, the reception and registration of elastic vibrations will be carried out using modern technological equipment.

The purpose of the work is to study in detail the geological structure of the site and clarify the prospects for oil and gas potential of sedimentary cover deposits. At the stage of 3D field work, high-quality primary seismic material will be obtained, which will allow solving the set geological tasks in the process of processing and interpretation.

“GEOTEK has experience in seismic exploration in the transit zone of the Caspian Sea for more than 10 years, as well as the corresponding unique technologies,” noted Vitaly Akhmadiyarov, Director of Production at GEOTEK JSC.