JSC GEOTECH successfully completed work in the transit zone of the Caspian Sea.
Within the framework of a three-year contract from 2024 to 2026 for seismic exploration work MOGT 3D-2C in license areas in the Caspian Sea, the Company carried out seismic exploration work in the area of the Ust-Sulakskaya structure in 2024. The completed work, covering more than 400 km², is the first stage in developing the area in the structure area.
The purpose of the work is to study in detail the geological structure of the site and clarify the oil and gas potential of the sedimentary cover deposits. The material obtained during the work will be further processed and interpreted to solve the geological problems.
GEOTEK has more than 10 years of experience in seismic exploration in the transit zone of the Caspian Sea, as well as the corresponding unique technologies.
Seismic exploration works are carried out using modern technological equipment, with the involvement of qualified personnel and specialists with many years of experience in performing similar works, with compliance and priority in the field of labor protection, industrial safety and environmental protection (OH&S&NEP).
The next stage of the work is planned for April 2025, within the framework of which it is planned to implement seismic exploration work in the volume of more than 500 km².