
Our successfully completed projects

We possess local expertise, have access to data processing technologies and extensive experience in their interpretation, as well as our own production of pulse sources.

Current projects

Integrated seismic exploration on the Angara River
Eastern Siberia
Integrated seismic exploration on the Angara River
A complex project in Eastern Siberia, implemented using a methodology that integrates various types of electromagnetic pulse seismic sources and seamless land-water seismic exploration technology without data quality loss.
High-density 3D acquisition in Eastern Siberia
Eastern Siberia
High-density 3D acquisition in Eastern Siberia
Implementation of large-scale high-density 3D acquisition over an area of more than 1950 km² using the UniQ technology with enhanced geological detailing.
High-density acquisition in challenging conditions of the YaNAO
Western Siberia
High-density acquisition in challenging conditions of the YaNAO
A unique project on high-density acquisition, completed in record time with high resolution for predicting geological conditions.

Completed projects

2D: 82,000+ linear km
3D: 127,000+ km²
of seismic surveys completed by GEOTEK since 2010
1000+ projects
successfully delivered by GEOTEK specialists